Senin, 07 November 2011



some of us interpret the meaning of IDUL Sacrifice / Eid al-Adha is an understanding of the dimensions of sincerity, which fetched good example of the sacrifice of the Prophet, when he asked to give up their children in a way that could diktakan will not be able to be done by a father .

There is no error in the understanding of the above, but I  slightly different think:
".. Role models and lessons that I can feel is about , the devotion of the prophet to God .., besides the love of the Prophet to God above all things, to be willing and ready to sacrifice his singleton son for God ..."

At this time might not be there anymore, but role models such as the Prophet surely will never disappear and will always exist because it does not require any form of goods or other entity, other than devotion, sincerity and devotion of the self.
And according to my wisdom, sacrifice for the present and future will be heavier (probably), as requested by the Lord at the moment is "OURSELVES" instead of our children, goats, sheep, cows atupun items that we have. Back again "OURSELVES" which is asked by God.

Can we??????

Can we ...??????

Will we surrender our souls to God??????

I'm sure those of you who piety to God, surely with a saying out loud .....:

"... Of course, and certainly I would be able and willing ..."

jg or there that will say ....:

"... The Lord is my mistress, whatever he asked me to be complete ...."

It's a steady answer .....  which reflecting the faith that is very high, and the response above, or similar as above, which lacks the oath had been frequent and more I hear ... but at when Eid Qurban is come, so many of us who have reneged the answers as above.

-The sacrificer will find some old stuff, goats, cows at its best, but the bid with a very low, or they carry a goat  or cow with grumbling around, and upon arriving at the slaughterhouse qurban they commanded ... "I'll ask a part ... '

-The merchant trying to make a profit as much from dealt the cattle, and even have known that it was for the qurban.

- The caretaker and guardian, received the qurban cattle's a deposit, but are not responsible if somthing happen decree anything that is not desirable

_and not miss the devotee needy comes rushly to use this opportunity to get something free and doesn't care about safety of their friends or their childrens

Guys, the answer was beautiful and mantab I heard, now lost along with millions of reasons, which made me sad, because how naive I thought of this life.

But, there is still any enacting events I am still optimistic,
when I came home, I meet with a widow who walks out with fatigue faces of the crowd of Qurban,
I courage to approach and ask, ".. excuse me  mom, what did you sacrifice to? ..."
and he took time to exhaustion in answer with light banter .. "... young man, I just can sacrifice my feelings, can not more ... he he he .. I just tried to help cook for the committee ibu2 , but sorry , I can not chat for long, I had to pick my son from school ... "
and in my heart that there are still sacrificing himself , her the time to serve the committee with no expectation of rewards ...... and believe me, qurban appreciating that he gave more than cattle imaginable.

Friend, ".. are we ready to sacrifice ourselves to God, not just at certain times, but each time? .."

Thank you, you have to read with me

nb: if there are things that offend,give me your deeply apologize 

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